Our story

About Us

The story of Flèche Healthy Treats is inspired by the stories of our friends and family members diagnosed with diabetes. At some point in my life, I also faced the problem of high glucose and cholesterol levels and realized that I needed to give up sugar and reduce my carbohydrate intake.

With 10 years of college and university education as a food technologist and nutritionist, more than 2 years of study of the effects that sugar has on the human body, and 20 years of experience as a chef and a restaurant manager, I know how to properly and safely develop recipes that are deliciously and healthy. Especially for you, Flèche Healthy Treats has developed and selected the best,  most balanced recipes for low carbohydrate, sugar-free cookies with a low glycemic load. With care and love, our cookies are made from organic, GMO-free ingredients that keep blood glucose within the normal level range. At the same time, they have balanced, familiar, and favorite tastes from your childhood and we offer them to you to indulge yourself and your family. 

When creating our treats, we tested hundreds of sweets from other manufacturers and took into account their weaknesses. We save you from the bitter aftertaste of stevia, the sugary sweetness of artificial sucralose that makes you want to drink several glasses of water, and the potentially unsafe maltodextrin that causes a rapid blood sugar spike after a few hours. Our treats do not cause a spike in blood sugar and this has been tested on 15 volunteers who measured their blood sugar an hour after eating our treats. Every ingredient in our recipes has been scientifically tested and approved by the FDA and The World Health Organization, particularly for people who monitor their blood glucose levels.

We are constantly learning, taking courses and training programs, and upgrading our skills in order to improve our products and expand the assortment for you. In the near future, we will broaden our product line and we are working on creating stunning low-calorie and low-carbohydrate sugar-free chocolates, candies, and bars. All of them will have incredible and vibrant flavors that you will love just as our families loved them. Our products will be appreciated both by people with diabetes and everyone else.

Our mission is to share our sugar-free sweets with every single person and prove that life without sugar is a real pleasure. Sugar-free sweets are healthy and extremely flavorful. Our healthy treats are for everyone with no exception. We give you pleasure without consequences.

So, what is FLÈCHE, after all?

Flèche means an arrow. It is also a bolt of lightning and forward-moving fencing technique

that incorporates speed and an element of surprise.

Thus, we want to say that we at Flèche Healthy Treats act like an arrow, quickly and unexpectedly, and with our own sparkling decisions we reject traditional sweets. We choose life without white sugar and invite you to join us on the path of health and longevity.



Alex Krasovskiy

Health-conscious individual

Co-founder, Food technologist and Nutritionist 

Flèche Healthy Treats